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Traveling Solo in Egypt

Traveling Solo in Egypt: Safety, Accommodation, and Adventure Tips

Are you a solo female traveler considering a solo trip to Egypt? It’s no secret that Egypt is a fascinating country with countless ancient wonders and vibrant cultures to explore. However, traveling solo as a female in Egypt can be an exciting and enriching experience. Still, it is also essential to be aware of potential challenges and take appropriate precautions to ensure safety. Egypt has a rich history and culture, but it is also known for its conservative social norms and occasional instances of harassment toward women.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into a traveling solo as a female in Egypt. We’ll provide practical tips and advice on making the most of your solo adventure while staying safe and culturally respectful. We’ve covered you, from transportation and accommodation to local customs and activities.

So why should you read this blog? We aim to equip you with the necessary knowledge and tools for a memorable and fulfilling solo trip to Egypt. We want to empower you to explore this incredible country on your terms, without any fear or hesitation. So, let’s get started on your solo adventure in Egypt!

Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers in Egypt 

Exploring Egypt can be an exciting and unforgettable experience for a solo female traveler. With its ancient history, cultural richness, and stunning landscapes, it’s no wonder Egypt is a popular tourist destination. However, like in any country, certain precautions must be taken to ensure your safety in egypt. Here are some safety tips for solo female travelers in Egypt:

  • Research the culture and customs of Egypt: Before embarking on your journey to Egypt, it’s essential to research the culture and traditions of the country. Egypt is a conservative country with strict societal norms, particularly for women. It’s critical to be aware of these norms and to respect them. Familiarize yourself with the local customs, dress codes, and social behaviors to avoid misunderstandings or uncomfortable situations.
  • Dress appropriately: Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country, so it’s essential to dress modestly, particularly for women. It means covering your shoulders and legs, avoiding tight or revealing clothing, and wearing a headscarf when visiting mosques or other religious sites. Dressing appropriately will show respect for the culture and reduce unwanted attention.
  • Avoid walking alone at night: Walking alone in Egypt is not recommended, especially for a solo female traveler. Stick to well-lit and busy areas, and consider using a taxi or other means of transportation. Walking alone, be aware of your surroundings, and avoid dark alleys or quiet streets.
  • Be cautious of scams and pickpockets: Scams and pickpockets are common in Egypt, particularly in tourist areas. Be wary of anyone approaching you with an offer that seems too good to be true. Also, keep your belongings close to you and avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuables.
  • Stay in reputable accommodations: When choosing your accommodation in Egypt, choose reputable hotels or guesthouses with good reviews. Ensure your accommodation has adequate security measures such as CCTV cameras, security guards, and lockable doors and windows.
  • Keep your valuables safe: Keep your passport, money, and other valuables secure, such as a hotel safe or money belt. Avoid carrying all your valuables in one place, and always leave them in sight. It’s also advisable to make copies of your passport and other essential documents and keep them separate.
  • Respect local customs and traditions: Egypt has a unique culture with customs and traditions that may differ from what you are used to. It’s essential to respect these customs, even if they seem unfamiliar. For example, Egyptians place great importance on family, and it’s considered rude to criticize or speak negatively about someone’s family. Only discuss politics or religion if your host or guide addresses the topic.
  • Be mindful of dress codes: Egypt is a conservative country, and women must dress modestly. Respecting this cultural norm by wearing loose-fitting clothing that covers your shoulders, arms, and legs is essential. Headscarves are also good, especially when visiting famous mosques or other religious sites. Remember that revealing clothing may attract unwanted attention, and it’s best to be cautious when dressing for the day.
  • Book with a local travel agency: Booking your vacation to Egypt with a local travel agency can be an excellent way to experience the culture and traditions of Egypt. Egypt Planners know the best places to visit and can provide a unique insight into the local customs and traditions. It’s also a great way to ensure your travel experience is safe and enjoyable.
  • Learn basic Arabic phrases: While English is widely spoken in tourist areas, learning some basic Arabic words can be a helpful way to show respect for the culture and connect with the local people. Basic phrases such as “hello,” “thank you,” and “please” can go a long way in creating positive interactions with locals. It’s also a great way to demonstrate your willingness to learn and respect the local culture. Don’t miss our guide about What language is spoken in Egypt – What You Need to Know.
Traveling Solo in Egypt

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Accommodation Tips for Solo Female Travelers in Egypt

Choosing safe and secure accommodation is essential for solo female travelers in Egypt. By following these tips, you can have a more enjoyable and comfortable travel experience and feel more confident during your stay. Always trust your instincts and use common sense when interacting with staff and other guests at your accommodation.

1- Choose safe and secure accommodations.

Safety should be a top priority when choosing accommodation in Egypt. Look for hotels or hostels with reasonable security measures, such as CCTV cameras, security guards, and secure locks on doors and windows. Choosing accommodation in well-lit and busy areas is also a good idea to reduce the risk of theft or other crimes.

2- Research the location and reviews.

Before booking accommodation:

  1. Research the area and reviews online.
  2. Check the location of the accommodation and ensure that it’s close to public transport or popular tourist attractions.
  3. Read reviews from other solo female travelers to understand their experiences and any potential safety concerns.

3- Consider staying in a female-only hostel or hotel.

For solo female travelers, staying in a female-only hostel or hotel can be a great way to feel more secure and comfortable. These accommodations often have female-only dorms or private rooms, providing female travelers a safe and welcoming environment. Female-only accommodations also offer an excellent opportunity to connect with other solo female travelers and share experiences and tips.

4- Use common sense when interacting with staff and other guests

Use common sense and trust your instincts when interacting with staff and other guests at your accommodation. Avoid providing personal information to strangers, and never leave your belongings unattended. It’s also a good idea to keep the contact information of your accommodation handy in case of any emergencies.

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Sightseeing Tips for Solo Female Travelers in Egypt

Egypt is a fascinating country with many sights to see, but planning your sightseeing activities carefully is essential as a solo female traveler. By following these tips, you can have a safe and enjoyable travel experience and create lasting memories of your trip to Egypt. Trust your instincts, be aware of your surroundings, and always prioritize your safety.

1- Plan and research destinations

Planning and researching your destinations is essential for solo female travelers in Egypt. Look up popular tourist destinations and read reviews from other solo female travelers to understand what to expect. Consider the time of day when visiting popular tourist sites and avoid peak hours when crowds may be more significant.

2- Consider joining a group tour.

Joining a group tour can be a great way to explore Egypt’s sights while feeling safe and secure. Group tours often have experienced guides who can provide valuable insights into the history and culture of the country. Additionally, being part of a group can provide an added layer of safety and comfort.

3- Avoid isolated areas or tourist traps.

Avoiding isolated areas or tourist traps is essential when exploring Egypt’s sights. Stick to well-lit and busy areas and be wary of anyone offering unsolicited tours or services. Avoid taking shortcuts through unfamiliar places, especially at night.

4- Trust your instincts and be aware of your surroundings

Trust your instincts and be mindful of your surroundings at all times. If something feels off or uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation. Keep a close eye on your belongings and avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuable items. Be mindful of pickpockets and street vendors who may try to sell you fake souvenirs or scams.

Traveling Solo in Egypt

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Solo Female-Friendly Activities in Egypt

Egypt is a beautiful destination for solo female travelers, with many amazing sights and experiences. Considering these solo female-friendly activities, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to this fascinating country. Here are some solitary female-friendly activities to consider during your visit to Egypt.

1- Visit the Pyramids of Giza

trip to Egypt is only complete with a visit to the Pyramids of Giza, one of the world’s most iconic and impressive sights. Solo female travelers can explore the pyramids on a guided tour. The surrounding area is well-lit and busy, making it a safe and enjoyable place to explore.

2- Explore the Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings is a must-see destination for anyone interested in ancient Egypt. This great site is home to over 60 tombs of pharaohs and their consorts. Solo female travelers can explore the valley with a guided tour or on their own, and the well-lit paths and busy surroundings make it a safe place to explore.

3- Take a Nile River Cruise.

A Nile River cruise is a great way to see the sights of Egypt while feeling safe and comfortable. Solo female travelers can join a group tour or book a private cruise to explore the river and its many fascinating destinations, such as the temples of Abu Simbel and the ancient city of Luxor.

4- Visit the Khan El-Khalili Market

The Khan el-Khalili market in Cairo is a great place to experience the local culture and shop for souvenirs. This bustling market is well-lit and busy, making it a safe and enjoyable destination for solo female travelers. Be sure to haggle for the best prices and try some of the local street food.

5- Attend a Tanoura Show at Wekalet El Gouri

A Tanoura show is a traditional dance performance that is a must-see experience for anyone visiting Egypt. Wekalet El Gouri is a great place to see this incredible performance and is a safe and welcoming environment for solo female travelers.


Egypt is a beautiful and fascinating country with a rich history and culture, and it offers a unique and memorable travel experience for solo female travelers. By taking the necessary precautions and being mindful of cultural differences, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to this incredible destination.

As with any travel destination, staying informed about current events and political situations in Egypt is essential. Check with your country’s foreign travel advisories and consider purchasing travel insurance. Additionally, it may be helpful to learn some basic Arabic phrases to communicate with locals and make your trip more enjoyable.

Remember to trust your instincts and always prioritize your safety. With proper planning and precautions, solo female travelers can have an unforgettable trip to Egypt.

About the author

Egypt Planners Team is a highly experienced travel agency specializing in memorable trips to Egypt. The team comprises expert travel planners and tour guides with a deep knowledge of Egypt's history, culture, and top tourist destinations.