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Revered Animals in Ancient Egypt

Sacred Beings: Revered Animals in Ancient Egypt

From the majestic falcon to the humble cat, animals were revered in ancient Egyptian society. These creatures were seen as embodiments of the Egyptian gods, and their worship was essential to the Egyptian way of life.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating world of sacred animals in ancient Egypt. We’ll learn about the different revered animals, why they were worshipped, and how they were incorporated into Egyptian culture.

So, if you’re interested in exploring ancient Egypt, animals, or religion, then be sure to read on!

Here are some of the specific topics we’ll cover in this post:

Whether you’re a seasoned Egyptologist or simply curious about this fascinating topic, you’ll learn something new from this blog post.

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Revered Animals in Ancient Egypt: A Brief Introduction

Animals in ancient Egypt played an important role in culture and religion. Many animals were revered as sacred, and some were even associated with specific gods. The ancient Egyptians believed that animals could provide them with protection, guidance, and wisdom.

The ancient Egyptians revered animals for several reasons. Some animals were revered because they were seen as symbols of important deities. Others were revered because they were believed to have special powers or abilities. Still others are revered because they played an important role in the Egyptian ecosystem.

The ancient Egyptians’ reverence for animals is evident in their art, architecture, and literature. Animals are often depicted in Egyptian paintings, sculptures, and engravings. Some temples were even dedicated to specific animals. For example, the Temple of Bastet at Bubastis was devoted to the worship of cats.

The ancient Egyptians’ reverence for animals also greatly influenced their way of life. Animals are often treated with great care and respect. For example, killing a sacred animal was a severe crime. The ancient Egyptians’ reverence for animals is a fascinating aspect of their culture. It is a reminder of the vital role of animals in their lives and beliefs.

In this article, we will delve into the mysterious world of ancient Egyptian culture and unveil the most important revered animals that held a special place in their hearts.

Top 10 Revered Animals in Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians revered many animals, but some were more popular than others. These animals were revered for several reasons. Some were seen as symbols of important deities, while others were believed to have special powers or abilities. Still others are revered because they played an important role in the Egyptian ecosystem.

Bastet Cat: Guardians of the Home and Beyond
Scarab Beetle: Symbol of Resurrection
Ibis: Messenger of Thoth
Hawk: The Solar Bird
Apis Bull: Sacred Symbol of Strength
Falcon: The Divine God
Crocodile: The Ambivalent Deity
Cow: Symbol of Nourishment
Dog: Anubis and the Afterlife
Lion: Symbol of Royalty and Strength

Here is a list of the 10 most revered animals in ancient Egypt:

1. Cat: Guardians of the Home and Beyond

In ancient Egypt, cats were very respected pets. Cats were linked to the goddess Bastet, the head of a leopard, and were in charge of home, fertility, and giving birth. Cats were regarded as guardians against evil spirits, and hurting one was a very bad thing to do.

2. Scarab Beetle: Symbol of Resurrection

The Scarab bug stood for change and rebirth. Its habit of rolling dung into balls and putting eggs inside was a sign of the sun’s path across the sky and the cycle of life and death. Many people used scarabs as charms and amulets to protect themselves from bad luck.

3. Ibis: Messenger of Thoth

Thoth was the God of writing and knowledge, and the Ibis, especially the holy Ibis, were linked to him. People thought that Thoth had the long beak and flowing look of the Ibis. This bird was an important ceremony in ancient Egypt and was honored for its link to God.

4. Hawk: The Solar Bird

Horus was the sky god and the pharaoh’s protection. Hawks, especially the falcon, were thought to reflect his soar spirit. People often drew the sun god Ra as a hawk or with a hawk’s head: Hawks showed strength, safety, and the sun’s energy.

5. Apis Bull: Sacred Symbol of Strength

The Apis bull was the live embodiment of Ptah, the God of making things and crafting. People thought this holy bull would bring them luck because of the unique marks on its skin. When one Apis bull died, another came and took its place, representing the never-ending circle of life and death.

6. Falcon: The Divine God

The falcon, which had great eyesight and was great at hunting, was linked to the God Horus. This bird of prey stood for security and alertness, and it was often shown on royal symbols to show how holy authority was.

7. Crocodile: The Ambivalent Deity

In Egyptian legend, crocodiles played two different roles. They were people that God feared and admired. The crocodile god Sobek stood for the Nile’s prosperity, while wild crocodiles were dangerous to people and animals. People built temples and made gifts to Sobek to make this powerful God happy.

8. Cow: Symbol of Nourishment

Hathor was the goddess of love, parenting, and music. Cows were linked to her. Hathor was often shown with a cow’s head on her or as a cow herself. People thought of cows as mothers and symbols of nourishment and their milk as a sign of getting food.

9. Dog: Anubis and the Afterlife

Anubis, the God of burial and the Afterlife was linked to dogs, especially the jackal. As part of funeral ceremonies, these loyal animals helped guide the souls to the Afterlife. Anubis’s connection to dogs shows how important they are for ensuring a safe journey to the next world.

10. Lion: Symbol of Royalty and Strength

The lion was an important animal in ancient Egyptian culture, though not as much as the other animals on this list. The goddess Sekhmet was linked to lions. She was a fierce goddess who stood for both war and healing. People also saw lions as strong and brave; their statues watched over churches and castles.

Revered Animals in Ancient Egypt

Religious Significance of Animals in Ancient Egypt

Animals had deep and wide-ranging religious meanings in ancient Egypt. In Egyptian ideas, traditions, and mythology, each animal was important and played a role in daily life. Knowing what these sacred animals meant to people who lived in the past gives us important information about their spiritual lives.

Egyptian art and buildings often featured animals and were used in rituals and sacred practices. People often sacrificed cats to Bastet, and ceremonies used falcons to see the future.

The ancient Egyptians may have had many different reasons for their respect for animals. First, animals were a large part of the economy in ancient Egypt because they were used for food, work, and transportation. People also saw animals as signs of the wild world and the gods. Third, people believed that animals had special powers and skills, such as the ability to speak with the gods.

The ancient Egyptians were not the only ones who cared deeply about animals. Throughout history, many other cultures have also respected animals, and in many cultures, animals have played an important role in religious beliefs and practices. However, the ancient Egyptians had a very close relationship with animals. Their art, building, and writing show how much they respect animals.

Temples Dedicated to Revered Animals:

The reverence for animals in ancient Egypt was not limited to the imagination or the written word, But temples dedicated to these sacred creatures were created.

Here are some of the most well-known temples dedicated to sacred animals:

1. Temples to Bastet: The House of Cats

The goddess Bastet had shrines in places like Bubastis, and cats were important to her. Statues and other works of art in these fancy buildings showed the cat god. People worldwide came to these prayer spots to give gifts and ask Bastet to bless and defend them.

2. Temple of Sekhmet in Memphis

The goddess Sekhmet, who had a leopard’s head, was honored at the Temple of Sekhmet in Memphis. This building showed that she had the power to both treat and kill. It was a place of prayer and offering, and there were huge statues of Sekhmet inside.

3. Hermopolis: Home of Thoth and the Ibis

An important god in ancient Egypt called Thoth was linked to the Ibis and was worshiped by many people. Temples in Hermopolis kept images and items related to Thoth and the holy Ibis. Many people made pilgrimages to these sacred places to learn and understand.

4. Horus Temples: FalGod Sanctuaries

Egypt had many churches to Horus, many shaped like falcons. Horus is the sky god and the pharaoh’s guardian. Edfu has a beautiful temple for him. They talked about how holy power was and how falcons could protect people.

5. Apis Bull Shrines: Living Embodiments of the Divine

Worships the Apis bull, which Ptah thought was a real god. These were called “Living Embodiments of the Divine Shrines and Complexes.” Many fancy things were put in the Apis bull’s house and treated with care and respect. It was a big deal when the bull died because it was kept alive and prejudiced.

6. Temples to Sobek: Crocodile Worship

Crocodile worship cities along the Nile, such as Kom Ombo and Crocodilopolis, had tombs for Sobek, the crocodile god. These churches had pictures of crocodiles and were places of prayer and sacrifices, mainly to protect the Nile’s fertility and its dangerous people.

7. Hathor Temples: Abodes of Joy

Hathor was the goddess of love, music, and parenting. In Dendera and other places, there were temples dedicated to her. These churches were huge and had many fancy decorations that drew attention to the happy parts of Hathor’s worship.

8. Anubis Temples: Preparing for the Afterlife

Anubis temples or shrines, often near graves, were significant for preparing the dead for the Afterlife. Embalming and funeral ceremonies occurred here, and pictures of the God with the jackal head watched over the whole thing.

Revered Animals in Ancient Egypt

Similarities and differences of revered animals across different periods of ancient Egyptian history

Animals that were worshiped had the same religious and symbolic meanings throughout ancient Egyptian history. The gods linked to them, the art styles used, and the importance of the animals in different areas were all different. These differences were caused by cultural, political, and geographical forces that have shaped the growth of society over thousands of years.


  • Symbolic meaning: In ancient Egyptian culture, animals that were respected were always linked to deeper meanings. Whether it was the Old Kingdom or the New Kingdom, these animals always stood for the same things. For example, cats have always been linked to the goddess Bastet, who protected people, and scarab beetles have always been a sign of life and change.
  • Important in Religion: These animals were all important in religion somehow. From the beginning of time to later dynasties, these creatures were honored with shrines and rites. They were important in sacred activities because they were the link between people and God.
  • Protective roles: Many animals, like cats and birds, were thought to keep people safe. This role of protection has lasted through different times. These animals always stood for security, whether keeping families safe from bad forces or guarding the king as a sign of royal power.


  • Evolution of Gods: The basic meanings of animals have stayed the same over time, but the gods and goddesses linked to them have changed. For instance, over time, Bastet, the goddess of cats, lost some of her value. She changed from a fighting goddess with a lion’s head to a gentle goddess of home and birth.
  • Styles of Art: Artists have devised new ways to show these respected animals over time. The art styles, including the level of detail and reality, changed from the simpler pictures of the early kingdoms to the more complex and informative images of the later dynasties.
  • Cultural and Historical Context: The roles and pictures of these animals were affected by the time and culture in which they lived. For example, in the Nile Delta, the crocodile was more revered in places with bigger crocodiles. This respect may have changed over time.
  • Differences Between Regions: Some animals may be more or less important in different regions. Many respected cats, but the level of respect may have been different in other parts of Egypt. In the same way, the Apis bull may be more important in northern Egypt than in the south.

Conclusion: The enduring legacy of sacred animals in ancient Egypt.

The ancient Egyptians respected animals for more than just their meanings; It was part of their community and religion in a culture that places much value on nature. They were seen as living symbols of the divine. Egyptian society had many tasks, such as guardianship, knowledge, making things, and leading people to the Afterlife.

The ancient Egyptians loved all these animals very much. The elegant cats that guarded the homes, the hardworking beetles that represented rebirth, the powerful hawks that represented the sun’s power, and the beautiful abyssal bull that they saw as a living god.

Sacred temples dedicated to these animals were significant links between the divine and human worlds. In these holy places, pilgrims and people sought benefits, safety, knowledge, and the endless circle of life and death.

In this article, we revealed the profound importance of these animals in ancient Egypt. Their legacy is evident in the stories inscribed in hieroglyphics, the statues that have stood for thousands of years, and the cultural fabric still woven today.

We have done our best to deliver valuable information to you.

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Egypt Planners Team is a highly experienced travel agency specializing in memorable trips to Egypt. The team comprises expert travel planners and tour guides with a deep knowledge of Egypt's history, culture, and top tourist destinations.