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Ramadan in Egypt

Ramadan in Egypt: How Is Ramadan Celebrated in Egypt?

Imagine experiencing the holy month of Ramadan in Egypt, where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with vibrant modern culture. Picture the streets of Cairo illuminated with twinkling lanterns, the air filled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread and savory dishes, and the bustling markets echoing with the sounds of prayer and celebration.

why do you visit Egypt during Ramadan? Ramadan in Egypt is more than just a religious observance; it’s a time of profound community spirit, cultural richness, and unparalleled hospitality.

Whether you’re wandering through the historic alleys of Khan El Khalili, enjoying a peaceful Iftar in Egypt along the Nile, or marveling at the grandeur of the ancient mosques, celebrating Ramadan in Egypt promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of one of the world’s oldest civilizations.

If you want to learn more about Egyptian holidays and events, you can browse our article Egyptian Festivals and Celebrations

How is Ramadan celebrated in Egypt: Ramadan Celebration in Egypt

Ramadan in Egypt is a magical time when the country’s rich cultural tapestry comes alive with Ramadan in Egypt traditions, deep spirituality, and a sense of community like no other.

Imagine the bustling streets of Cairo and Alexandria transforming as the sun sets, with lanterns glowing and the aroma of delicious Egyptian cuisine filling the air. The sounds of laughter and joy echo through the night as families and friends gather to break their fast.

Whether you’re intrigued by the historic mosques, the lively markets, or the communal iftar feasts, exploring “How is Ramadan celebrated in Egypt?” offers a captivating journey into a world where ancient customs blend seamlessly with modern life.

Ramadan in Egypt

1- Ramadan Fasting in Egypt

Ramadan, deeply rooted in tradition, holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims in Egypt. With unwavering faith and dedication, they observe fasting from dawn till sunset, refraining from food and drink during daylight hours. Rising early, they partake in Sahur, a pre-dawn meal, before commencing the fast. The breaking of the fast, known as iftar, is a time of joyous reunion after evening prayers. Dates and beverages like milk or watermark the beginning of the meal, followed by a nutritious spread replenishing their bodies after a day of fasting.

2- Prayers and Gatherings

Ramadan in Egypt is a time for spiritual devotion and a period of familial and communal unity. Muslims gather for congregational prayers, reciting verses from the Quran as a mark of reverence to Allah. Families come together to prepare sumptuous traditional dishes for iftar, sharing the month’s blessings with loved ones and neighbors alike. Generosity flourishes as many extend invitations for iftar to the less fortunate, ensuring that no one goes without a meal during this sacred time.

3- Ramadan Decoration & The Ramadan lantern AKA “fanous Ramadan“

The streets of Egypt come alive during Ramadan with vibrant decorations and the iconic Ramadan lanterns, known as fanous. Legend has it that these lanterns originated as a gesture of welcome to Fatimid Caliph Moezz El-Din El Allah. Over the years, the fanous has become a symbol of Ramadan’s festive spirit, adorning homes and public spaces alike. Alongside the fanous, subtle decorations adorn the cities, creating an enchanting ambiance for residents and visitors alike to immerse themselves in the rich Islamic culture of Egypt.

4- Cannon Fire Marking Iftar

A tradition believed to have originated in Egypt, the firing of cannons to mark the end of fasting and the beginning of iftar adds a unique touch to Ramadan in many African countries. Stories trace this tradition back to Cairo, where the first cannon-firing ceremonies took place. While its origins may be steeped in legend, the sight and sound of cannon fire during Ramadan evoke a sense of tradition and celebration that continues to endure across the region.

5- The Drummer (Mesharati)

Each dawn during Ramadan, the streets of Egypt resonate with the rhythmic beats of drummers, known as mesharati, rousing people from their slumber for the pre-dawn meal. Originating from the Ottoman era, this centuries-old tradition serves as a reminder of the spiritual significance of the holy month. Mesharatis continue to uphold this tradition, spreading cheer and communal spirit as they navigate the streets, ensuring that no one misses the opportunity for Sahur.

6- Ma’edat Rahman

A heartwarming tradition observed during Ramadan is the Ma’edat Rahman, or “table of God.” These communal dining tables, set up along the streets, offer free iftar meals to passersby, embodying the spirit of generosity and compassion synonymous with Ramadan. Anyone is welcome to join, fostering a sense of community and solidarity as strangers come together to break their fasts and share in the blessings of the month.

7- TV Series Marathons

During Ramadan, the television industry experiences a surge in activity, making it a prime time for TV series marathons. With gatherings being a hallmark of Ramadan and entertainment being a cherished pastime, numerous new series, soap operas, and shows are released annually. The lineup can often include over 70 series, presenting viewers with a wealth of options to choose from. This abundance of content can make decision-making challenging for audiences seeking to indulge in the latest Ramadan entertainment.

As television viewership spikes during this period, advertisers capitalize on the heightened engagement, leading to a competitive advertising landscape. Brands seize the opportunity to showcase their products and services to captive audiences, with commercials becoming a highly anticipated aspect of Ramadan programming.

8- Football Tournaments

In addition to television entertainment, football tournaments also play a significant role in Ramadan celebrations in Egypt. Given the nation’s passion for football, it’s no surprise that it features prominently during this festive period. Young boys and sometimes girls form teams and eagerly participate in tournaments held at sports clubs and youth centers nationwide. These tournaments provide a platform for friendly competition and contribute to the sense of community and camaraderie that characterizes Ramadan in Egypt.

Traditional Ramadan Food Egypt & Egyptian Food For Ramadan

Ramadan in Egypt

During the holy month of Ramadan, Egypt’s culinary scene comes alive with a diverse array of traditional dishes that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the country. From hearty stews to delectable desserts, here are some quintessential Ramadan foods that grace the tables of Egyptian households:

1- Ramadan Main Meals

  • Mahshi (Stuffed Vegetables): Mahshi takes center stage on the iftar table, featuring a delightful combination of vegetables stuffed with seasoned rice. This hearty dish symbolizes togetherness as families gather to enjoy its flavors and textures.
  • Rokak (Stuffed Pastry): Rokak, a crispy pastry filled with minced meat, is a popular side dish during Ramadan. Its crunchy exterior gives way to a savory filling, making it a favorite among both young and old.
  • Molokheya: Molokheya, a nutritious soup infused with the flavors of coriander and garlic, provides essential sustenance during fasting. Typically served with chicken and rice, this comforting dish replenishes energy levels and satisfies hunger.
  • Kebabs: Grilled to perfection, kebabs come in various forms, from succulent ground meat skewers to juicy chunks of marinated meat. These flavorful delights add a tantalizing touch to the iftar spread, enticing diners with their smoky aroma.
  • Fattah: Fattah, a traditional delicacy consisting of layers of rice, bread, and tender meat, offers a burst of flavor with each bite. Topped with a savory tomato-based sauce and garlic yogurt, this dish embodies the essence of Egyptian cuisine.
  • Koshari: A beloved vegetarian dish, koshari combines rice, lentils, chickpeas, pasta, and crispy fried onions, served with a tangy tomato sauce. Often accompanied by a spicy chili sauce, koshari delights the palate with its harmonious blend of flavors and textures.
  • Sambousek (Savory Pastries): Sambousek, crispy pastry parcels filled with savory fillings such as spiced minced meat, cheese, or spinach, are a popular choice for iftar. These golden-brown delights add a delightful crunch to the meal, leaving diners craving for more.

Suhoor, the pre-dawn meal during Ramadan, is an important part of fasting in Egypt. Here are some popular dishes commonly enjoyed for Suhoor in Egypt:

  • Ful Medames: A hearty dish made from cooked and mashed fava beans mixed with olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and sometimes spices like cumin. It’s typically served with bread and often enjoyed during Suhoor for its filling and nutritious properties.
  • Taameya (Egyptian Falafel): Similar to falafel found in other Middle Eastern cuisines, taameya is made from ground fava beans or chickpeas mixed with herbs and spices, then deep-fried until crispy. It’s often served with bread, salad, and tahini sauce, making it a popular choice for Suhoor.
  • Egg Dishes: Various egg dishes are common for Suhoor in Egypt, including scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions (known as “eggs baladi”), omelettes with cheese or vegetables, or boiled eggs served with bread.
  • Cheese and Bread: A simple yet satisfying option for Suhoor is a selection of cheeses, such as white cheese (known as “Gibna Beida” or “Domiaty cheese”), feta cheese, or spreadable cheese, served with bread or pita.
  • Dates and Yogurt: Dates are traditionally eaten to break the fast, and they’re also commonly consumed during Suhoor in Egypt for their natural sweetness and energy-boosting properties. Yogurt, either plain or flavored, is often served alongside dates for a refreshing and nutritious combination.
  • Soup: Warm and comforting soups like lentil soup or chicken soup are sometimes enjoyed for Suhoor, especially during cooler months, as they provide hydration and nutrients to sustain fasting throughout the day.
  • Fresh Fruit Salad: There’s nothing quite like starting your day with a refreshing and nutritious breakfast, and a fresh fruit salad hits the spot perfectly. This is especially true during Ramadan, with a day of fasting on the horizon.

2- Ramadan Desserts

Certainly! Ramadan is a special month for Muslims worldwide, and it is often celebrated with delicious and festive meals, including desserts. Here are some popular Ramadan desserts:

Atayef (Qatayef)

Atayef, also known as Qatayef, is a specialty dessert from the Middle East, particularly enjoyed during Ramadan. Resembling round dumplings or small pancakes, Atayef can be filled with various ingredients such as nuts, cheese, or cream. They can be consumed raw or fried, then drenched in sugar-based syrup.


Kunafa is another traditional Middle Eastern dessert that is highly favored during Ramadan. This delicacy features shredded pastry dough soaked in sugar syrup, with layers containing different fillings. While nuts or ricotta cheese are the classic options, Egyptians have recently introduced various innovations. It’s common to find kunafa filled with mango (especially during summer Ramadan), Nutella, Lotus, or Red Velvet.

Nuts and Dried Fruits

Due to their nutritional benefits, nuts and dried fruits have become essential Ramadan snacks. It’s a tradition to stock up on these snacks in advance, as no Arab living room during Ramadan should be without a tray of nuts. Popular choices include almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, raisins, dried apricots, dried figs, and dates.


Basbousa, also recognized as relevant or harsh, stands as a quintessential delicacy originating from the heart of the Middle East. This delectable sweet cake boasts a tantalizing blend of semolina, coconut, yogurt, and syrup. Often infused with fragrant rose water or the delicate essence of orange blossom water, basbousa embodies the essence of Middle Eastern confectionery. Its moist texture and rich flavors make it a beloved treat for celebrations and gatherings.


Mahalabia emerges as a creamy indulgence within the realm of Middle Eastern desserts. This sumptuous milk pudding, delicately flavored with rose or orange blossom water, offers a velvety smoothness that tantalizes the palate. Adorned with a sprinkle of chopped nuts or shreds of coconut, mahalabia captivates taste buds with its luxurious simplicity. Embraced across the Middle East and North Africa, it is a comforting finale to meals and a cherished dessert for special occasions.

Znoud el Sit

Znoud el Sit, aptly translating to “lady’s arms” in Arabic, presents itself as a culinary marvel deeply rooted in tradition. These exquisite pastries are a hallmark of festive tables, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. Encased in a crisp, golden exterior lies a luscious filling of cream, harmonizing with the sweetness of syrup that envelops each bite. The contrast between the crunchy exterior and the creamy interior elevates Znoud el Sit to unparalleled delight, making it a cherished indulgence during festive seasons and joyous gatherings.

3- Ramadan Drinks

  • Annab: Annab is a vibrant red drink made from dried hibiscus flowers steeped in hot water and sweetened with sugar. Known for its tart flavor and floral aroma, Karkadeh is a popular choice during Ramadan for its cooling properties and ability to quench thirst.
  • Tamr Hindi: Tamr Hindi is a tangy and slightly sour drink made from tamarind pulp, water, and sugar. This refreshing beverage is cherished for its unique flavor profile, which offers a delightful contrast to the richness of iftar dishes. It’s often served chilled with a hint of mint for added freshness.
  • Qamar Al-Din: Qamar Al-Din is a traditional Ramadan drink made from dried apricot sheets soaked in water and sweetened with sugar. This fruity beverage is popular for its naturally sweet taste and rich texture, making it a favorite among adults and children. It’s commonly served cold with a squeeze of lemon for added zest.
  • Khoshaf: Derived from Turkish cuisine, Khoshaf is a delightful snack commonly enjoyed during Ramadan. This simple yet nourishing dish involves soaking dried fruits in warm water for several hours, resulting in a flavorful mixture that is garnished with your choice of nuts. Easy to prepare and bursting with natural goodness, Khoshaf is a perfect addition to your iftar spread.

Best Places in Cairo to Visit During Ramadan

Ramadan in Egypt

Cairo, the vibrant capital of Egypt, offers a plethora of experiences during Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam. Here are some places to visit in Cairo during this special time:

  • Al Azhar District: In Al Azhar District, visitors will discover many small shops offering an array of handicrafts crafted from copper, tin, and pottery. A bustling carpet market and tent makers showcasing intriguing designs await exploration. Additionally, there are shops boasting silver and gold jewelry, among other treasures. A visit to the Mosque Madrassa of Al Ghouri and its mausoleum is highly recommended, as is exploring the Al Azhar Mosque, renowned as the world’s oldest university.
  • Al-Muizz El-Din Allah Street: Named after the Fatimid Caliph who seized Cairo in 969 AD, Al-Muizz El-Din Allah Street was once the primary thoroughfare of this era, stretching from Bab Zuweila in the south to Bab El Futuh in the north. Recently refurbished into a pedestrian-friendly zone, it offers a captivating stroll through history, day or night. As Cairo’s largest open-air museum of Islamic and medieval monuments, the street is adorned with numerous historical landmarks, complemented by neighboring alleys featuring significant mosques and Sabils. Noteworthy on this street is the Textile Museum, showcasing 250 textile pieces and 15 carpets spanning from the late Pharaonic era to the Islamic period.
  • Wekalet El Ghouri: Originally a Mamluk-era complex, Wekalet El Ghouri has been transformed into an entertainment venue where visitors can enjoy local folklore art and concerts in the evenings. This year’s highlights include the Tannoura show thrice weekly and traditional music concerts.
  • Khan El Khalili Bazaar: Venturing into the area, visitors will relish exploring the 14th-century Khan El Khalili Bazaar, the oldest and largest covered market in existence. Offering an array of souvenir shops selling everything from papyrus paper to customized gold and silver cartouches, the bazaar is a treasure trove for mementos. During Ramadan, it remains open until the early hours of the morning.
  • Fishawy Cafe: A must-experience during Ramadan is the iconic Fishawy Cafe, boasting a two-century-old legacy. Here, visitors can savor minted tea amidst the lively ambiance, while observing passersby in this traditional Egyptian setting.
  • Al Hussein in Azhar: Exploring Al Hussein in Azhar offers a unique experience, particularly during Ramadan. Witness the vibrant nightlife as shops remain open all night, and indulge in the delectable Egyptian pancakes known as feteer, served with sugar, honey, or various cheeses.

Ramadan in Egypt Tourism

Ramadan in Egypt offers a unique and enchanting experience for tourists. Visitors can immerse themselves in the rich cultural traditions, from witnessing the serene pre-dawn prayers to joining lively iftar celebrations.

The streets come alive with festive decorations, vibrant markets, and communal gatherings, providing an authentic glimpse into Egyptian hospitality and spirituality. Special Ramadan tours offer insights into historical mosques, traditional cuisine, and nightly festivities.

Experiencing Ramadan in Egypt allows tourists to connect deeply with the local culture and enjoy a truly memorable and culturally enriching journey.

FAQs About Ramadan in Egypt traditions

When is Ramadan in Egypt 2025?

In 2025, Ramadan in Egypt is expected to begin on the evening of Friday, February 28, and end on Sunday, March 30. The exact dates may vary slightly depending on the sighting of the moon.

Is Ramadan celebrated in Egypt?

Yes, Ramadan is celebrated extensively in Egypt. It is one of the most significant religious observances in the country, marked by a month of fasting from dawn to sunset, increased prayer, charity, and reflection. The evenings are filled with communal iftar meals, family gatherings, and vibrant street festivities. The celebration of Ramadan is deeply rooted in Egyptian culture and society, bringing together people from all walks of life.

What is Ramadan in Egypt?

Ramadan in Egypt is a holy month dedicated to fasting, prayer, and community. It commemorates the first revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. Egyptians begin their day with Suhoor, a pre-dawn meal, and abstain from eating, drinking, and other physical needs from sunrise to sunset.

The fast is broken at sunset with Iftar, a meal that often starts with dates and water, followed by a variety of traditional dishes. The month is also characterized by increased charitable activities, special prayers called Taraweeh held at mosques, and a festive atmosphere in the evenings. Ramadan in Egypt is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion.


Ramadan in Egypt is a profound and joyous experience that encapsulates the spirit of unity, faith, and tradition. From the serene moments of pre-dawn prayers to the lively and communal iftar gatherings, this holy month is a time of deep spiritual reflection and cultural celebration.

Whether you are a local or a visitor, witnessing Ramadan in Egypt offers a unique glimpse into the heart of Egyptian society, where ancient traditions and modern practices beautifully intertwine to create a truly memorable and enriching experience.

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    About the author

    Egypt Planners Team is a highly experienced travel agency specializing in memorable trips to Egypt. The team comprises expert travel planners and tour guides with a deep knowledge of Egypt's history, culture, and top tourist destinations.